

Pegasus Bay Wine Dinner

2022.12.16 (Fri)

Le 188 ͒

原本打算今晚呢個 wine dinner 是今年度最後一個 wine dinner,但最近見到一個 wine dinner 餐廳近屋企,交通方便,價錢相宜,即是上次參加過的情迷斯洛文尼亞搞手,蒲陶堂大人又有新呈獻,之前一次想試D斯洛文尼亞酒,今期就想試試間餐廳。於是今晚的 Pegasus Bay 便不能成為收爐 wine dinner。

Le 188 ͒ 食物一向有水凖,幫襯得多,有一定信心;飲紐西蘭 Pegasus Bay 12 Riesling 及 Pinot 亦都值得一試。大致上都沒有令我失望,12 Riesling 充滿電油味的感覺好正,12 Pinot 顏色已呈老態,較為失色,Prima Donna 12 Pinot 非常好,顏色漂亮,平衡感好,氣味清麗,非常洗鍊,毫無疑問今晚的最佳。

Welcome Wine
Pegasus Bay Sauvignon Semillon 2019 

Japanese Scallop Carpaccio with Huzelnut and Truffle 👍👍
warm melon sauce and guacamole

Pegasus Bay Riesling 2012 👍

Pan-roasted Chilean White Cod Fillet on Quinon 👍
in beetroot sauce, pumpkin puree and white wine cream sauce

Pegasus Bay Chardonnay 2019

Tortellini Mushroom Ravioli 👍👍
in duck ragout and spinach

Pegasus Bay Pinot Noir 2019 👍

Pegasus Bay Pinot Noir 2012

Pan-fried U.S. Beef Tenderloin 👍👍
assorted vegetable

Pegasus Bay Prima Donna Pinot Noir 2017 👍

Pegasus Bay Prima Donna Pinot Noir 2012 👍👍

Cheese Platter
French goat cheese, brie and parmesan cheese




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